Jyothisham - Astrology Services


Jathakam is the graphical representation of planetary positions as formed in alignment with the time, date and place of birth of a person. Grahanila, navamsham, sphudangal, ashtavargam, shashtavargam, dhashaphalam, ashrayaphalam, yogaphalam etc are the part of jathakam. A birth chart analysis can reveal different areas of a person’s life including his personality, career, relationships and social life.

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Answering a question by horoscope for the exact time at which the question was received is known as prasnam or prasna marga in astrology. The queries will be answered through the analyses of horoscope chart and the hourly movement of planets and which is obtained using appropriate tools like Kavatis, tamboolas or nimithas. The astrologer will suggest essential remedies and pooja vidhis to eliminate these doshas as fast as possible.

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Muhurtham is the auspicious time of the day. Finding good muhurtham for important events in your life is a factor in its fruitfulness or success. The lunar day, nakshatra, yoga. Karana and the weekday are the deciding factors of muhurtham. It is always preferable to find the auspicious time to conduct the events of great importance in life.

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Jathaka Porutham / Horoscope Matching

Horoscope matching or Jathaka Porutham considers the natural tendencies of the boy and the girl based on the horoscopes, and accordingly the marriage of the two can be matched. Analyzing the horoscopes of the boy and the girl to understand their compatibility which ensures a blissful married life.

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Horoscope Making
Horoscope Writing / Kundli Making

Horoscope gives insights into the personality and life of an individual. It is like a blueprint of life combining the birth chart, position of planets and general instructions to follow. Kundli is an astrological chart that shows the exact position of the heavenly bodies at the time of birth.

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